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Abogada por error, buena amiga y mala aduladora. Artista tardía, sibarita, güena pa las fiestas y mala pa victimizarme. @Pamela_Arce

Ela é Vegetariana

...mas seu marido não


Cultura e Danças Populares Brasileiras!

Radhika's Cuisine

Veganismo, Gastronomia e Agricultura Organica


A Vegetarian Foodie's Guide to Life


Vegan & Vegetarian recipes from around the world

Photo Nature Blog

Nature Photography by Jeffrey Foltice

Into the wild

Adventures of a dominican photographer traveling the world.

De todo un poco

A bit of nothing's everything

Agustín Prieta

Estrategias y meditaciones para el bienestar.

Experience India Like Never Before

Find Your Heart and Connect to Your Soul

Vic DiCara's Astrology

Authentic Modern Astrology from the Ancient and Classical World